Ma First Post....
So..... im a lazy bastard and have taking this long to even try to set this up. kinda dumb since I´ll be home soon but i needed a project. So here goes.....
I dont even know where to start because some of you have herd all my stories thus far and others only some. And then there are all the adventures I ment to tell you about but haven´t yet cuz they seem to be ongoing...haven´t yet reached there climax. Hence the blog...what better way to check up on the progress of the fun, odd or stupid things i do!
The furthest back thing worth note that I havent told yall about was this rediculous 'gay party' that some of the dancers convinced me to go to. There is not alot for a gay community so the gay rights organization at the university puts on these parties at very trendy bars in the city every couple of weeks. Actully, the real story is that i told the dancers i wasnt going. I had been invited to this international party at the house of this swedish exchange student who i have gone out with a few times but try to hold back on cuz i suspect the fellow is insane. Anyhoo, party was going on...i was having sooooooo much fun with this crazy girl from Guyana but the swedish meatball kept passively agressivly trying to force me to pay attention to him. But i was a bit drunk and having fun so was letting it slide off my back. But then a very drunk meatball later cornered me alone and started asking questions about how we will stay together after we both go home to our own countries. Clearly I was quite confused as 3 or 4 dates dose not a couple make...long story short-he started to cry and i decided to leave and go find the dancers at the party. Managed to have tonnes of fun...the judge from icelandic Idol was dj-ing an was also hitting on me and now i have to hide from him at the gym. I dont think we left the bar before 6 am. Nuts i tell ya!
After An awkward but fun halloween party with a bunch of folks from different embassies I managed to finally get rid of the swede after a number of 'failed attempts' and a huge scene on the trendiest busiest street in the city. Recently I met this icelandic farmhand. He is probably the most adorable thing I´ve ever seen and its already going to kill me to leave. However, I´ve learned an important lesson from the whole ordeal.....Its alarming how fine the line is between 'sexy accent/broken' english and 'chew your arm off to get away, god help me accent/broken english'.
I should tell you taht contrary to how it may sound my time here is NOT all dating, friends and beer. Class is going well although it is sooooo much harder than i thought. The language has four distinct cases which makes it crazy hard to pick up vocabulary. My applications have gone well but been very difficault to organize from over seas. I've racked up alot of longdistance phone minutes the last little while but they seem to be coming together. Been exploring of course and gone for a few visits to smaller towns, met alot of family. And I have read alot....I am on my 6th novel. Its been fantastic. But I'm slowly missing the daylight...i think we have been losing something like 6 min a day here.
Here's some pics of just the regular stuff around here...more to come...¬ag=1
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