Friday, June 30, 2006

Profoundly Punny

I have once again been neglecting my blogging duties. Far too busy lately apparently. But i have a new project. I have decided that i need to collect church billboard sayings. Recently I have been walkin' around alot and spotting the strangest church message boards on church front yards. The first one that really got me was the oh so progressive one on 109. One day riding by i saw it just said simply "hold on". How friggin' beautiful is that? there have been a few that i ment to write down somewhere but forgot so im gonna keep a runnin' tally. I finally decided this after the other day (it was 30 degrees out with a hto wind) and this really tacky church was welcoming parishers with a sign informing them that "This church is prayer conditioned". F-ing brillian. For some reason it was a hopeful omen even to a non-christian.... not sure why.
But to be totaly honest my surpressed new aged, neopagan, side has been stirring of late. just so many anti-apathy stimulants seem to be cropping up in my life. My family had a giant solstice party complete with an effigy burning, a role playing god/goddes ceremony straight outta the druidic texts and a cleansing of negative energies (its important to bring friends along to these things...they help you remember that your crazy fam is rare and precious). My hippy-turned wealthy but still hippy cousins build a sustanable house complete with solar panels and thermal. alternatives. Then Al Gore beats me over the head with our ecological reality to near tears. All the while divine forces continue to float my hope with vinyl lettering. needless to say...if you come across your own churchy goodness snap a photo and send it my way.

In other news...just saw The devil wears Prada. Very didactic. Rest assured that if meryl streep offers me free couture I will not start flat ironing my bangs, forget my friends, or make out with metrosexual free lance writers.

Also, you all need to go see the exhibit for WORKS at the print study centre...its got some cool stuff in it and more importantly they want feeb back regarding the university collections. SO! for those of you that have any clue what im talking about...go or ask me for more information!


At 11:23 PM, Blogger Lightfooted said...

Hey Sando,

Great idea: Church bilboards aren't as innocuous as we think! You could collect photos and sell them in a book or something. It'd be funny to make money from organised religion.

I also saw the Devil Wears Prada and can totally see how it could happen where a perfectly normal person is lured by the lavish, fast-paced lifestyle of the rediculously famous/weathy. I mean, I just lived in London for two years and I can tell that it's changed me, and perhaps not for the better!

Anyways, just wanted to say hello, and if you even read/check your blog anymore, I hope you're not too swamped with school.

P.S. Call or email me please - I'm in Toronto!!


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